Term deposits
If you have a term deposit or savings account with Idea::Bank, it will be taken over by BT starting June 14th.c.
Useful details about savings products/services that have not found their pair at BT:
- The savings products will be taken over under the conditions you have now at Idea::Bank, but the interest and some deadlines will be updated at the first maturity according to BT.
- If you have a 3-month deposit and your contract from Idea::Bank does not have an automatic extension clause, it will be terminated at the first maturity.
- If you have a deposit with Idea with automatic extension and variable interest, at its first extension it will be renewed with fixed interest, with monthly interest payment or with capitalization, according to the option from Idea::Bank.
- If you have a deposit without an automatic extension clause and the maturity is before the date of the assignment to BT (June 10th.c.), it will no longer be taken over to BT;
- If you have a 24-month deposit in USD/GBP and your contract from Idea::Bank has no automatic extension clause, it will be terminated on the first maturity. If you do not have a current account at Idea:: Bank, at BT you will need to open a current account when you want to liquidate these deposits because picking up or transferring the money (cash) directly from the deposit account is not possible.
Standard fees
If you have decided to opt out of a deposit, regardless of the time being, the fees for cash withdrawal or transfer are the standard ones of BT.
Savings account
The savings accounts from Idea::Bank will be taken over by BT from 14 June a.c.
- The interest is calculated daily, depending on the balance of the account and is capitalized monthly in the savings account;
- The variable balance, but without being able to fall below the minimum BT balance (1,000 monetary units). We consider the decrease of the balance of the savings account below this threshold of early termination, and the balance is automatically transferred to the current account.
The amounts up to EUR 100,000, equivalent in RON/depositor, are guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. It applies to the cumulative balance of deposits held at Banca Transilvania after the assignment from Idea (Law No. 311/2015).