Invest directly from the app 4.8

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    Do you have a junior you want to save for? We know you want to provide him with everything he needs. 👶

    KidCONT is perfect for you. A savings account that can be opened in the name of the child, by the parents or empowered persons.

    You can start right now, you just need 100 lei or euro.


    • mInterest is calculated daily and you receive it annually directly into your KidCONT account 
    • mYou have bonus on your account anniversary. If during the year you put in your account at least 500 lei or 120 euros and you do not make money at all, you enjoy a bonus equal to the monthly interest
    • mYou can fund your account by bank transfer or deposit 
    • mZero commission when opening the savings account
    • mNo withdrawal fee on your KidCONT account, regardless of the bank you transfer from
    • mYour savings are safe because they are guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, within the limit of 100,000 euros

    How do you make KidCONT?


    Opening in a Banca Transilvania branch

    When you arrive at the nearest BT branch, together with a consultant, you will complete and sign the KidCont application form.


    Okay, fine, but... how much is the interest?

    Interest in lei

    12 months
    Interest received on anniversary / year

    Interest in euro

    12 months
    Interest received on anniversary / year

    *All interest rates are expressed in %/year.

    **The maximum amount of the deposit on which interest is payable is 450,000 lei (€100,000).

    ***Good to know: Interest income tax and bonus interest tax is 10% for residents.


    Because we want to build a relationship based on transparency and trust, we want you to know that we have certain commissions. It's normal to know them and know about them.

    Opening fee
    Management fee

    Good news: the interest is calculated from the first day after the opening of the deposit and you receive it annually.

    Required documents

    • mIdentity card of the parent or authorized person
    • mChild's birth certificate (0-14 years) 
    • m Birth certificate, and identity card of the child (14-18 years)
    • mDecision on the appointment of the guardian/curator, issued by the guardianship authority