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Call Center
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    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.
    Fraud assistance
    If you suspect fraud on your account, quickly call 0264 308 055.

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    How ABDRC helps me

    The Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre (ABDRC) mediates the difficult situations between clients and financial and banking institutions in a balanced, reasonable, fast and out-of-court manner, in collaboration with financial and banking experts (Conciliators) who, depending on the procedure chosen by the parties, may propose or impose a solution to resolve the dispute.

    If the problem encountered has not been resolved directly with the financial and banking institution, a person may apply to ABDRC. The conciliators analyse the situation on the basis of documents made available by consumers and traders and propose/impose a solution to resolve the dispute.

    At the same time, you have the right to resort to out-of-court dispute settlement mechanisms, such as those offered by the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre(ABDRC),in accordance with the legal provisions in force. You can also address the institutions and authorities competent in the management of consumer complaints, respectively the National Authority for Consumer Protection(ANPC).