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Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

The app that knows e-Invoice
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    An easy-to-use, everyday card that you can attach to a lei account. It helps you with all your company's purchases: protocol expenses, office supplies, gasoline, etc.
    In addition, you can apply for as many cards as you want in the name of your employees who have frequent delegations, both in the country and abroad.

    • m The card is attached to an account in Lei
    • m You can use it both in the country and abroad


    • m
      You set what daily expense limit you want, on each card
    • m You recover your external VAT through Taxback, if you make payments abroad
    • m You have zero commission for paying for purchases at merchants, in the country or abroad
    • m Efficiently and securely manage the company's resources and the expenses made through each card, attaching cards to distinct card accounts

    How to make my VISA Business Classic debit card

    Issuance in a Banca Transilvania branch


    Pay us a visit to one of the branches and ask for your desired card

    Arriving in the nearest BT branch, together with a consultant, you will fill in and sign the card application.


    Download the BT Pay app and use the card in digital format

    If you've successfully completed step 1, you're now entering your app store, downloading and installing the BT Pay app. Through BT Pay, with the help of your phone or digital payment accessories, you can use all your cards digitally.


    You get the card at home or come to pick it up from the branch where you requested it

    If you choose to receive the card at home, we will send it to you by courier.

    If you come to pick up the physical card, you will receive a notification by SMS when the issued card will arrive in the branch where you made the issuance request, so you know when to pay us a visit.

    How much does it cost you?

    2.5 lei card issuance fee
    5 lei annual management fee
    0 fee for card payments
    0 fee when replenishing the card account
    0 commission for re-issuing the transaction report by e-mail or Internet Banking

    Full list of commissions

    VISA Business Classic debit card in LEI and USD
     z PDF

    Who is it for?

    The Visa Business Classic debit card is the right choice for employees who frequently travel to the territory, who travel in the country and abroad as an integral part of their professional activity and who need a practical and safe payment tool.

    Good to know

    • The maximum limit for cash withdrawal / day for all Visa Business Classic cards in Lei issued on the company (ATM + POS) is 10,000 lei / account.
    • Pos and Internet payments limit is 20,000 RON / day / card (applicable from 15 March 2022).
    • Internet payments limit is 5,000 RON with CVV/day/card and 0 RON for payments without CVV/day/card.
    • There is a new directive on the security of card payments, at European level, briefly called PSD2 (Payment Services Directive). This new standard limits contactless or online payments that you can make with the card without authentication by PIN code or biometrics – fingerprint, FaceID, etc. Find out more in the page dedicated to contactless payments!

    BT Pay. The free app you don't have to come to us to get it.

    • You check how much money and how many points you have on your card, what you spent the money on, grouped and by category.
    • In the Credit Info section you can see the amount you have to deposit for the payment of the monthly obligation and you can also pay it from the app, without going to the bank.
    • You can choose to make the automatic payment (minimum or maximum) every month at the due date (the 25th of each month).
    • If you have already filed a part of the monthly obligation, see how much you have left to submit.
    • You can choose to make at any time, until the due date, the minimum or maximum payment amount, from any of the cards added to BT Pay.
    • If you bought in installments, see how many installments you have left until you pay everything.
    • You can pay with your phone directly from your card enrolled in the app.

    What do you have to do?

    Download the app for free from the Google Play Store or App Store and enroll your shopping card in the app.