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  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
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    Loan Simulator
    Choose your credit
    How much do you want to borrow?
    105 LEI
    Change the calculation
    Choose your credit currency
    How much do you want to borrow?
    How many years do you want to pay back the loan?
    Choose interest rate

    Fixed interest
    The fixed interest rate is set when the credit agreements are signed and cannot be changed throughout the financing period.

    Variable interest
    Variable interest consists of an index (either IRCC, ROBOR, EURIBOR or LIBOR) depending on the currency and type of loan plus a fixed margin.

    Do you collect your salary at BT?
    Do you include life insurance and unemployment?
    How do you want to get your rates?

    The amount of the monthly rate also depends on the settings you make in the simulator (return period, variable interest rate).

    It's good to know that the final offer is personalized and takes into account several elements such as BT account, addition of life and unemployment insurance policy, external refinancing, relationship history with the bank, payment behavior for outstanding installments, etc. a.

    The amount of the monthly rate also depends on the parameters chosen for the calculation (return period, variable interest rate). These can be consulted and changed in the simulator settings.

    See due date