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Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

The app that knows e-Invoice

Call Center

0264 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.


You reduce the time spent preparing and managing payment documents at the bank's counter. And with the time thus earned, you can do anything. Including money. In addition, the use of these smart documents costs you absolutely nothing.


  • m They are smart documents that fill in part on their own and automatically validate some fields
  • m Automatic validation on the structure of the BT IBAN
  • m Easy to use for future use. It remains to fill in only the amount and details
  • m Reduce the waiting time at the bank's counter thanks to the automatically generated barcode 

Good to know

Choose the type of payment order that suits your business:

Payment order in LEI with barcode used for:

  • intrabank payments Banca Transilvania – Banca Transilvania and interbank payments in RON

  • replenishment of the salary collection account

  • transfer between current accounts (all currencies agreed by BT)

Foreign exchange payment order with barcode used for:

  • intra-bank or interbank foreign exchange transfer on the territory of the country and externally

How do you get them?

It's very simple! There are only 4 steps:


Download your documents: (you need an updated Adobe Reader)


You fill in all the data electronically and make sure that the barcode has been generated before printing


List documents in A4 format and sign both copies listed on a tab


You come to the bank with the documents listed and signed in the original

Raul from BT

Simply from WhatsApp, you manage your business.