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Call Center
  • High waiting time!

    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.
    Fraud assistance
    If you suspect fraud on your account, quickly call 0264 308 055.

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    BT Visual Help

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    Terms and conditions of use of BT Visual Help

    Version effective from 03.12.2024

    1. BT Visual Help and acceptance to use the platform

    The present terms and conditions valid for the BT Visual Help platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") constitute a legal contract concluded between Banca Transilvania S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank" or "BT"), a credit institution established in Romania, with registered office in Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobantilor Street no. 30-36, Cluj County, registered with the Trade Register under no. J12/4155/1993, unique code RO 5022670 and you, as a user of the BT VISUAL HELP platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform").

    We recommend that you read these Terms in full before deciding whether to accept them, as well as the Information Notice on the processing of personal data within BT VISUAL HELP.

    If you do not agree with any of the provisions of the Terms or the Information Note on the processing of personal data within the platform, please do not access or use it.

    If, at any time after accessing the platform, you decide that you no longer agree with these Terms or with the use of your personal data within the platform by the Banca Transilvania operator as mentioned in Information notice on data processing within BT Visual Help, you may stop using the platform. In this case, you can request a Call Centre agent to take your call.

    These terms are completed with the General Business Conditions of BT applicable to Individuals and Legal Entities, a document available on the website of Banca Transilvania.

    In order to become a "user " of the platform, i.e. to be able to view the available options and/or benefit from the services available on the BT Visual Help platform, it is necessary to be an individual or legal entity customer resident with Banca Transilvania, i.e. to have at least one current account open and a card issued by Banca Transilvania.

    Banca Transilvania makes every effort against the misuse of this platform and its facilities. Banca Transilvania will monitor your use of the platform to ensure that it complies with these Terms and that the services are not misused.

    2. What is BT Visual Help?

    BT VISUAL HELP is a digital platform, accessible by telephone call to the contact numbers of Banca Transilvania: directly: 0264 308 000 - the customer receives a text message with the access link to the platform and the call is closed, or 0264 308 028 - the customer receives a text message with the access link and the call remains open until authentication on the platform(callable from any network, including international), or *8028(callable from any national network, fixed or mobile), dedicated to BT customers, individuals and legal entities, through which the following actions can be performed:

    • changing the daily transaction limits of the cards;
    • temporary or permanent blocking of cards (including initiating card reissue requests, in the case of cards that they permanently block from the platform).
    • view the menu of accounts and transactions
    • view and download list OF IBANS
    • view and download income portfolio sheet
    • request a statement of account
    • getting general answers (FAQs) to the most frequently asked questions in the Call Centre
    • registration request to contest a transaction made with the card
    • view attachment option and request release of amount due
    • directing to useful links on the BT website or to other financial institutions (e.g. Credit Bureau website)
    • directing to the Call Center by phone or chat
    • view personalised information about your loans and savings
    • view personalised information on non-card credit arrears
    • view benefits and current account package activation request
    • transfer to BT Pay via deeplink for the following actions: transfer between accounts, closing of installments, downloading account statement, generating a repayment schedule, for customers logged in with BT Pay

    • providing feedback at the end of the visual session

    Using this platform, the client, a mobile phone owner and with internet access, can perform these actions himself, without waiting for the call to be taken over by a Call Center agent.

    3. How do you access BT Visual Help?

    1. Receiving SMS to access the BT Visual Help platform

      You will receive an SMS on the phone number used containing a link to the BT Visual Help platform. The first step will be to display and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Notice. Please read these carefully. You will need to accept the Terms and express your identification/authentication options on the platform by ticking the dedicated boxes in order to follow the necessary steps to use the services offered on the platform.

    2. Registration and identification of the user

      In order to be able to use the BT Visual Help platform, the user must be identified as a customer of the bank, an individual account holder or the legal representative of the legal entity customer holding a BT account. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide: the personal number code or codice fiscale (BT Italia) to identify the above qualities and, in addition, the CUI, if the use of the platform for legal entity customers is desired.

      1. If Banca Transilvania identifies and authenticates the user as an account holder in its system on the basis of the telephone number from which the call is made and the CNP/tax code, the user will be able to perform the actions available on the platform.
      2. If Banca Transilvania identifies and authenticates the user as the legal representative of the company based on the telephone number, the CNP and the company's CUI, the user will be able to perform the actions available on the platform.
      3. If the user has not been identified in the bank's system on the basis of the information used for identification purposes, he/she will be informed of this fact and will be given the opportunity to contact a Call Center agent to perform the desired actions.

    Customers with the updated BT Pay application will be offered the opportunity to authenticate by receiving and approving a notification in BT Pay.

    4. What can you do in BT Visual Help?

    Through the BT Visual Help platform, users will be able to set transaction limits on cards issued by the bank, as well as temporarily block or permanently block cards. Following the permanent blocking action, a user can request, from the BT Visual Help platform, the reissue of the card, on the basis of which a new card will be delivered to the chosen BT unit, replacing the permanently blocked card.

    A. Blocation of the cards temporarily or permanently and request the reissue of the permanently blocked cards

    The user is given the possibility to block any card issued on accounts opened with BT in his/her name as an individual account holder. In the case of legal entities only the legal representative is the user who is given the possibility to block any card issued on company accounts opened with BT. Also, for cards blocked permanently from the platform, the platform user can initiate a request to reissue the card.

    Temporary card blocking – will allow the user to temporarily block the card.

    Temporary blocking means the action of changing the status of a card resulting in temporary restriction. A temporarily blocked card can be unlocked in one of the following ways:

    • directly from the BT24 Internet/ Mobile Banking app;
    • by calling the BT Call Center service, or
    • in any BT unit.

    Permanent blocking of the card – the user can permanently block the card.

    Once the operation is confirmed, the user will not be able to use/unblock it, and will have to request a new card at any time in BT units or directly from the platform (only if the user chooses to request this, as a continuation of the card blocking action).

    Permanent blocking means the action of changing the status of a card, resulting in its cancellation. A permanently blocked card can no longer be used or unblocked and a new card must be requested.

    Card reissue - only for users who are 18 or over at the time of accessing the platform - will allow the user to request a new card, which they will collect from their chosen BT unit, which replaces the card permanently blocked through the platform. The reissue fee is displayed to the user at the time the request is taken, and the user has the option of either completing the reissue or opting out if they do not agree with the cost associated with the reissue (in which case they can access the list of cards or the main menu).

    The card reissue request is available on the Visual Help BT platform only if it is initiated by the user in continuation of the action of permanently blocking the card. Based on this request, the user will receive a new card in the chosen BT unit, which will replace the permanently blocked one.

    If, after the permanent blocking of the card from the platform, the user does not choose to submit a card reissue request (as a continuation of the blocking action), this request will not be available later on the platform for the respective (permanently blocked) card. In this case, the user can request a new card replacing the permanently blocked card by calling the Call Centre service or in BT units.

    B. Change the daily transaction limits for cards

    The user who is 18 years of age or older is offered the possibility to change the daily transaction limits for cards issued on accounts held with BT as an individual account holder. In the case of legal entities, only the legal representative of the company is the user who is given the possibility to change the daily transaction limits on cards issued on company accounts held with BT.

    The modification of the trading limits can be made in the sense of increasing or decreasing the ceilings, for transactions at ATM, POS, Internet or the number of daily transactions.

    Transaction limits - the user will be able to set daily limits, within a maximum amount set by the bank per card type, for a period defined by the user, but not exceeding 90 (ninety) days. The transaction limits that can be set via the BT Visual Help platform can be updated, by adding or removing options, the list presented is not exhaustive and is not limited to: number of transactions, ATM cash withdrawal, card payments in shops, online payments with CVV, online payments without CVV.

    Each card issued by Banca Transilvania has the following types of daily trading limits, as follows:

    1. Number of card transactions
      As standard, dedicated cards for individuals are issued with a daily limit of 30 transactions, which includes the total number of card transactions, regardless of their type (cash withdrawals, card payments in shops, online payments with and without CVV). Dedicated cards for legal entities are issued as standard without a maximum limit on the number of transactions.

    2. Internet transaction limit in a secure environment (with CVV)
      By default, cards dedicated to individuals are issued with a daily limit of 5000 RON / 1500 EUR and refer to the amount of payments on the Internet, where the security code called CVV/ CVC is verified.
      By default, cards dedicated to legal entities are issued with a daily limit of 5000 RON / 2000 USD / 1500 EUR and refer to the amount of payments on the Internet, where the security code called CVV/ CVC is verified,

    3. Internet transaction limit in an unsecured environment (without CVV)
      For security reasons, dedicated cards for individuals are issued as standard with a daily limit of 0 (zero) RON/ EUR and refer to the value of Internet payments, where the security code called CVV/ CVC is not checked.
      For security reasons, corporate cards are issued as standard with a daily limit of 0 (zero) RON/USD/EUR and relate to the value of Internet payments, where the security code CVV/ CVC is not checked.

    4. Limit on card payments in shops
      Refers to the amount of card transactions made at merchants' POS.

    5. ATM/bank POS cash withdrawal limit
      Refers to the amount of cash withdrawal transactions made by card at an ATM or bank POS.

    C. View the Accounts and Transactions menu

    The user is given the opportunity to access a menu of accounts and transactions where he will view the following details about his own BT accounts:

    • account details: Account name, currency, IBAN, balance, number of Star points for credit card accounts included in the Star BT loyalty program.
    • history of the last 3 days of transactions on the accounts - all amounts in/out of the account will be displayed with: transaction date, details, reference, currency)
    • viewing transactions in installments for credit card accounts (merchant name, reference number, transaction date, monthly installment value, number of payment installments, currency, total transactions in installments);
    • viewing the blocked amounts (total and detailed) from: card transactions pending settlement, overdue, garnishment, receipts with problems (amount, currency, details, blocked date, expiration date of the blocked amount);
    • viewing the amounts of payment transactions in installments with the credit card;
    • viewing the current payment obligations (minimum turnover, maximum turnover, deposited amount, due date, number of delays.

    D. View and download the list of your IBAN's IBANs

    The user is given the option to view and download a pdf document containing a list of their IBANs to their phone.

    E. Receive the statement of account on the email address declared in the relationship with the bank

    The user is given the option to request and receive statements of account for both the current account(s) and the credit card account(s) at the email address declared in the relationship with the bank.

    F. Get useful information about banking:

    In addition to the FAQs sections, which answer the most frequently asked questions in the Call Centre, the user is offered the possibility to access useful links on the BT website: update data for individuals, update data for legal entities, appointment in the unit, details of operations and bank transfers in the BT Question, information on Star points, BT fees and commissions brochure, BT Pay, online credit for personal needs, online credit imm, Annex 5 - proof of attachment.

    G. Request to appeal a card transaction

    A user who is 18 years of age or older is given the opportunity to register a request to dispute a card transaction for one of the reasons below:

    At the ATM:

    a) the atm has not released the requested amount

    b) the atm has partially released the requested amount

    When paying by card in shops and online/ POS and Ecommerce:

    a) The payment has been doubled

    b) The amount was debited, but the payment was not made successfully

    c) The payment was made in another way

    d) Unblocked warranty

    The user is informed that, for communications subsequent to the registration of the request and its resolution, only the contact details registered with the bank will be used (tel and/or email declared in the relationship with the bank). At the same time, the User acknowledges that a fee will be charged in case of an unfavourable resolution of a payment refusal: RON 9/disputed transaction or EUR/USD equivalent for cards in foreign currency, as stated in the Fees and Charges brochure.

    H. View the garnishment option

    The user (natural or legal person) has the possibility to check whether or not they have active liens on their account(s) or, for the legal representative, on the company's accounts.

    Only for the individual client there is also the option to request the unblocking of a garnished amount, if there are active garnishments on the accounts.

    I. View information about your loans and savings

    The user who is a natural person and is 18 years old or over can view personalised information about their credits and savings in the relevant sections of the platform, as follows:

    Under the My Credit Information option you get information about:

    • Non-card loans: loan name, account number, currency, amount of the instalment, next instalment date, last instalment paid, maturity date of the loan, date the loan was taken out, interest rate, type of interest, initial balance of the loan, current balance of the loan
    • Non-card credit arrears
    • Credit cards: credit card account name, account number, currency, account balance, number of points, payment obligations, installment transactions, history of settled transactions from the last 10 days and history of blocked amounts from card transactions

    In My Savings you get information about:

    • Deposits: deposit name, account number, currency, current amount, interest rate, date of establishment, date of maturity, current interest, if capitalised
    • Savings accounts: name of savings account, account number, currency, current amount, interest rate, date of establishment, current interest rate

    J. View and download the Interest Income Portfolio Sheet

    The user is given the option to view and download a pdf document containing the Interest Income Portfolio Sheet to their phone.

    K. You are directed to a Call Center agent by phone or chat

    The user has the possibility to select the channel through which they wish to be supported

    L. View your benefits and request to activate a current account package

    After selecting the desired current account package the user will be contacted by a consultant to confirm and activate the package.

    M. You are transferred to BT Pay via deeplink

    The user is transferred to BT Pay for the following actions: transfer between accounts, close installments, download statement, generate repayment graph. These options are only available to customers logged in with BT Pay.

    N. Provide feedback at the end of the visual session
    At the end of the visual session you can provide feedback on your experience of the platform and suggestions for improvement.

    5. Statements and warranties

    By accepting these terms, you represent and warrant that:

    • you undertake to notify BT immediately, without undue delay, when you report the absence, theft, misappropriation or unauthorised use of your login data (CNP and mobile phone number declared in the records of Banca Transilvania for individuals, respectively CNP of the legal representative of the company, mobile phone number of the legal representative declared in the records of Banca Transilvania, company CUI for legal entities).
    • you agree to notify BT immediately, without undue delay, in the same manner of any other breach of security in relation to the Platform of which you become aware.
    • that you have full right, authority and capacity to access and use the Platform;
    • that you are the account/bank card holder in the case of individuals, respectively the legal representative of the company for legal entities for which you are accessing the platform;
    • that you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of the data entered into the BT Visual Help platform. Furthermore, you are responsible for activities of any kind that take place on the platform on your cards.
    • you agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your data or any breach of security that you become aware of or reasonably should suspect. However, regardless of such notification, we will not be liable for any losses you may incur as a result of unauthorized use of your data (whether such use occurs with or without your knowledge).
    • that you will not falsify or give false information about your identity or intentions in relation to anything connected with the platform;
    • that you will not transmit, distribute or provide any information or material that is in whole or in part illegal, false, fraudulent or inappropriate, offensive or that violates public order and morality;
    • that you will ensure and maintain the physical and logical security of your phone, as recommended by the manufacturer and best practices;
    • that you will not violate any statutory rights, proprietary rights, intangible rights, privacy rights or personal data of others;
    • that you will not use the content of the platform to resell, distribute or use the services offered;
    • by ticking the appropriate boxes, you confirm that you have read these Terms, that you agree to them and to the processing of personal data referred to in the Information Notice on the processing of personal data within BT Visual Help for the purpose of using the platform;
    • by using the platform you will not violate any laws or regulations of the country in which you reside, and you are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations.
    • you have been informed that BT may suspend the use of the Login Data in cases where it suspects that its security has been compromised or that unauthorised or fraudulent use has occurred.

    6. Discontinuing or modifying BT Visual Help

    The termination of the use of the platform by the user may occur in the following situations:

    1. at the user's initiative, if he/she refuses to access / gives up access to the platform and requests an agent to take the call initiated to the Call Centre;
    2. at the bank's initiative, if it is found that the user does not comply with the rules of proper conduct that may cause damage of any kind to the bank, as well as these Terms;
    3. the business relationship between the customer and the Bank ceases

    The bank may also suspend or change the use of the platform immediately for any reason, including when it requires repair or maintenance work. The Bank may add new functions to the platform and is not obliged to offer any particular function/option through the platform.

    The bank may withdraw the platform, but in this case it will give users at least 30 days' notice, unless withdrawal of the platform is required of us with immediate effect by law or by the authorities.

    We may amend these Terms and/or the Information Notice on the processing of personal data within BT Visual Help and the updated version will be published on the bank's website. Users will be notified of any changes by calling BT Visual Help. If the changes made do not meet your requirements, please stop using the platform. If, after the launch of the platform, additional options made available are implemented, these options will be subject to the same rules and conditions contained in these clauses, if they do not benefit from conditions distinct from these clauses.

    7. Intellectual Property

    The user expressly declares that he/she is aware that all graphic design, platform content and audio-visual material accessed are the property of the Bank. With the exception of information, graphics belonging to other entities, which are the property of the partners.

    The user accepts that any software used in connection with the services offered through the platform contains confidential and proprietary information, being protected by the laws on intellectual, industrial and other applicable laws.

    The User undertakes not to reproduce, copy, sell or exploit the services, information and/or audio-video material to which he/she has access as a result of using this platform, in part or in full.

    The User is prohibited from modifying, copying, renting, assigning, lending, selling, distributing or creating derivative materials based on the services or programs used on the Platform.

    8. What we are not responsible for

    We provide BT VISUAL HELP only for your personal use or, if applicable, the use of the legal entity you represent. You agree and acknowledge that the platform will not always function error-free or continuously and that some imperfections may not be corrected when they occur.

    The user of the platform is solely responsible for the use of the platform, even if it is used by third parties, regardless of the reason for their use of the platform. Banca Transilvania cannot be held responsible for the effects generated by the use of the platform by the user or third parties, for the costs generated by the use of the platform or for the access of third parties to certain personal and/or confidential information or personal data through the platform. In order to limit potential damages caused by the use of the platform by third parties, Banca Transilvania recommends that you do not disclose your data to other persons.

    Banca Transilvania cannot control the operating system of the phone used by you. Thus, Banca Transilvania is not responsible for any damage caused to your mobile phone, including but not limited to any security breach caused by viruses, bugs, cheating, tampering, omission, interruption, malfunction, delay in operations or transmissions, computer lines or network failure or any other technical malfunction resulting from the use of the platform.

    Thus, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage which we or you could not reasonably foresee at the time you started using BT VISUAL HELP or which is beyond our control.

    We will also not be responsible for:

    1. no loss or damage (moral or pecuniary) due to non-compliance with these Terms;
    2. any loss or damage which you could have avoided by taking reasonable care or steps; or any loss or corruption of your content or other data held by you, if such loss or corruption is not caused by us or is not within our reasonable control. You are also advised that Banca Transilvania shall not be liable to you and/or any third party for any direct or indirect damages of any kind including, but not limited to, loss of profits, lost profits and/or lost business opportunities or any other similar losses suffered by you as a result of your failure to use the Platform or the inadequate quality of the Platform.

    9. Governing Law

    The terms and conditions of use of the BT VISUAL HELP platform, as set out in this document, are governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian law.

    In the event of a conflict/disagreement arising in relation to the use of the platform, we will attempt to resolve this conflict amicably and negotiations in this regard will be governed by good faith.

    All disputes will be settled in the competent courts of the municipality of Cluj-Napoca, unless the legislation in force specifies another exclusive jurisdiction.

    10. Support

    If you have any problem with the operation of the BT Visual Help platform, you can contact us at the email address or at the phone numbers:

    *8028                                 Callable from any national network, fixed or mobile

    0264.308.028 Callable from any network, including international

    11. Force Majeure and fortuitous case

    Banca Transilvania is not liable to the user for the failure to fulfill any obligation in case of force majeure/ fortuitous case and generally in the case of an event that is beyond its control, as well as for the operation and connection of other national or foreign networks and for their activities and actions in general.

    Force majeure/fortuitous event may include, but is not limited to: a state of war (whether declared or not), armed conflict, revolution, insurrection, military or terrorist action or threat, sabotage, civil disturbance, pandemics, strikes or other industrial action, laws, regulations, decisions or directives, natural disaster, earthquake, fire, explosion, solar or weather disturbance, public emergency or any other occurrence beyond its control.

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    Ask BT is Banca Transilvania's largest online financial education program, with over 2,000 banking questions and answers.
    Search suggestions
    Powered by Azure OpenAI GPT-4o
    AI Search provides automatically generated answers, using GPT-4o technology, which may contain inaccurate or potentially offensive content that does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of the content generated by this service. .
    Terms and conditions


    AI Search is a pilot project - in beta - that uses GPT-4o technology to simplify the process of finding and understanding banking products.

    AI Search is trained to answer questions that are exclusively related to the banking products offered by BT, but in certain situations and depending on the questions asked, it may also answer general questions. The answers provided are automatically generated and are to be used for information purposes only. The service may sometimes provide inaccurate or potentially offensive content, which does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of the content generated by this service in any way. Do not rely on this service for financial, legal or other professional advice and do not enter personal data or other confidential information into this service.

    Use of AI Search implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

    Access to and use of the service implies your unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to them, please do not use this service. By accepting the terms and conditions to use this service provided algorithmically by an artificial intelligence model, you assume the entire risk as to the quality, safety and performance of this service.

    Banca Transilvania does not provide any guarantee in relation to the answers provided by this service.

    AI Search provides responses algorithmically and these may sometimes contain inaccurate information or potentially offensive language. This information does not express the position of Banca Transilvania and cannot engage the responsibility of the Bank for the content provided.

    AI Search does not provide answers to personalized questions, so by using it you are obligated not to provide or enter any personal data or other confidential information in your messages/questions. In case you do not comply with this obligation, by inserting personal data/confidential information in AI Search, you consent to their processing for the purpose of providing the service (answers to the questions you ask), as well as for the improvement of the algorithmic model of the robot by its developer.

    Any information provided by users during their interaction with AI Search will be treated confidentially and will only be disclosed to recipients who have a right and need to know.

    The content provided by AI Search is for information purposes only.

    Users are responsible for the questions and messages asked when using AI Search. Any abuse or inappropriate language may result in the interruption of the interaction.

    AI Search does not provide financial, legal or professional advice and is not a substitute for consulting human experts or professionals specialising in the field. Users should not rely on the information provided by AI Search in making decisions.

    The Bank reserves the right to discontinue the AI Search service at any time without prior notice.

    Terms and conditions may be revised/updated at any time.

    Download BT Pay

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    Download BT Pay

    Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

    Download BT Pay

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    Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

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    Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.