Our official social media pages have been created to keep in touch with our community and to provide relevant information about Banca Transilvania's products and services. We have official accounts on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube.
When interacting with our social media pages please respect the following rules:
Be respectful and relevant
Because we want to have a constructive dialogue, please use polite language when writing to us on any of our Social Media pages. We want our social media pages to be a positive and welcoming space. Therefore, we will remove any post or comment that is abusive, contains obscenities, insults, threats, incites hatred, violence or discrimination of any kind, or includes personal data that is not public (such as email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses, personal numerical codes, account numbers, PAN card numbers, passwords or any other personally identifiable data).
Content posted on any official Banca Transilvania Social Media account is the exclusive property of Banca Transilvania, its affiliates and/or content providers. Copyright, trademark and other applicable laws protect the content posted. Use of this content without written permission from Banca Transilvania is prohibited.
Occasionally, we may share content from third party sites that we believe is relevant to our community. However, please note that this in no way constitutes an official endorsement of that site or company by BT.
Protect your privacy
Our official social media pages are public, which means anyone can see your post or comment. For your privacy and data security, please do not disclose your bank account information in any post or comment on any of our social media pages. We will never ask you to provide us with account information, such as account number, password or PIN, on any social media channel.
Any content you post on any of the official social media pages of Banca Transilvania (including images, information or opinions), as well as the information you make available on these sites (e.g. your profile) are subject to the terms of use of the site and its privacy policy, which we recommend you read carefully.
Contact us
For questions about your BT accounts, products and services, we encourage you to contact us in one of the ways outlined here.
Rule violations
We reserve the right to remove any post or comment that, in our opinion, violates the Community Rules, any other Terms and Conditions or any other applicable rules or laws. Continued violation of the Community Rules may result in the user being blocked from the platform without prior written notice. We reserve the right to cooperate and comply with any requests from the relevant authorities to provide information about any postings on our social media pages.
For questions about our social media pages, you can contact us at facebook@bancatransilvania.ro.