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Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Call Center

0264 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.

How do I make my STAR Forte card?


Request the issuance of the card through the BT Pay app

It's simple! You enter your app store, download and install the BT Pay app. Apply for a Star FORTE shopping card and after you go through all the steps you can get it in about 10 minutes.


Use the card in digital format immediately after approval.

If you have successfully completed step 1, now through BT Pay, with your phone or accessories of digital payment, all your cards are digital and you can use them immediately.


You receive the physical card, depending on the delivery method of your choice

You can receive the physical card at home, by courier, or you can choose to come and pick it up from one of the Banca Transilvania branches.

I want STAR Forte!

Fill in the form below and we'll call you to discuss the details.

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