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Call Center
  • High waiting time!

    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.
    Fraud assistance
    If you suspect fraud on your account, quickly call 0264 308 055.

    Search with AI Search

    AI Search on Ask BT answers all your banking questions.

    BT Visual Help

    Quickly view your account details, call 0264 308 000 and receive an SMS with the access link.


    Shopping safety

    Online or directly in stores, it is very easy to do shopping. With your card or phone, it's just as simple to pay for everything you've bought. But we have some tips to keep your money safe.

    When you pay in stores at POS with your card/ phone:

    • You must receive the receipt for each approved/ rejected transaction.
    • Check transactions often. You can do it, for example, through BT Pay, BT24, NeoBT or BT Visual Help.
    • For contactless paid purchases with the card, up to 100 lei, you are not asked for your PIN. If you have made consecutive transactions with a cumulated value of over 650 lei or 150 EUR without entering the PIN, at the next transaction you will be asked for the code even if the amount is below 100 lei, for safety reasons. For phone payments, this measure does not apply because these payments are authorized every time, with your fingerprint, make ID or method of securing your phone.

    When you pay online

    • Make sure you are on a secure website. The web address should start with https, and the page should have a padlock symbol and a ' trusted' symbol. Buy fromsites you know . If indoubt, do not pre-pay for goods andcheck reviews/reviews of the site/merchant/product.
    • If the ordered product does not arrive on time, contact the seller as soon as possible. If they don't respond, contact your bank.
    • Pay attention to the terms andconditions presented by the merchant and only if you agree to continue the transaction. We are referring to the cancellation policy, return policy, delivery conditions, complaint handling, etc.
    • Beware of "free trial" offers, such as a free trial for a predetermined period of time, after which, if you do NOT explicitly express your wish not to continue using theservices, you are automaticallyconsidered to agree to pay a subscription for a certain period of time and will be automatically debited, on a monthly basis, with the amount you have agreed toby accepting (checking) the terms and conditions when you start thepaid trial and enter your card details.
    • Information you're usually asked to make a payment are: card number, expiration date, card name and CVV2 code (security code on the back of the card).

      You are then asked to confirm your online payment:

      • or by authenticating your payment through the BT Pay app, if you have enrolled your card in the appand in 3D Secure. You'll access the notification and authenticate thetransaction with your fingerprint, facialrecognition or your phone's security method. Be careful when you approve - check the name of the merchant that appears on the screen.
      • either authentication with two passwords - a dynamic one, received from the bank and a static one, set by you. Be careful when approving - check the amount and name of the merchant in the SMS received from the bank.
    • Limitations on trading can be changed through BT applications or with the help of the Call Center team (0264 308 028). You can make the limitations by type of operations: payment at POS in stores, online payment, ATM withdrawal and on the number of transactions overall. You can also choose the time frame you want to limit your transactions.

    Don't forget:

    • Never communicate your card details after receiving SMS/e-mail/call links. Your card details are entered when you've initiated a purchase on a trusted website on the payment page.
    • Do not provide your bank card details to receive money. If someone has to send you money, you have to give them the IBAN code. By offering the card data and codes received via SMS you actually offer the possibility to have money taken from your account, not to receive.
    • Pay attention to information about raffles, donations through links on social networks, etc., messages through which you are notified that you have won something and in order to receive the product of a significant value you have to pay a small amount for transport, to the messages through which you are notified that in order to receive a package (which you have not even ordered and do not wait for) you have to pay a fee. Analyze very well the offers that seem very advantageous, they can be scams. All these methods are traps that can make you communicate your card data and security passwords to fraudsters to actually authorize transactions on various sites of much larger amounts.