This page is automatically translated from Romanian into English.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Call Center

0264 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.

Communication safety

Email, phone, SMS, WhatsApp, private message on social media - they are all part of our lives. But some messages aren't what they seem to be, and some people who get in touch with us may not even know us.


that appears from the bank or a BT representative may not be from us. Do not respond to these messages, do not access the links they contain, even if they have a topic that can attract attention, such as: Important message, Suspend account.

Social media

on Facebok, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or Pinterest we only have official pages and dedicated teams to help you when it is more handy for you to get in touch with us like this. When we ask for your name and phone number, in a private message, it's just so we can get in touch with you quickly. 

Also, watch out for advertisements. Those that promise various earnings, appear to be from BT - even using images of the bank, BT representatives and our logo - but lead to unknown links, are not generated by BT.  

A phone call or message with an unknown number

If it tells you of a problem, whatever it may be, that can be solved if you send money urgently, be very careful.

SMS containing a link

Even if it looks like it's from us, it's not from BT.