a. Who may be the persons who have expressed their choices to BT about data processing
for advertising purposes (as appropriate, consent or refusal)
They are currently considered to be persons who have given BT their consent to be
personal data processed for advertising purposes in any of the following categories
data subjects:
- BT customers, BT occasional customers or any BT third parties who have given their consent
on BT's dedicated form used in BT's establishments from 12.03.2018 and on
BT website www.bancatransilvania.ro (online form within this link:
https://www.bancatransilvania.ro/gdpr/ is only available to
BT customers) since May 2018;
- BT customers, BT occasional customers or any third parties who have expressed this consent on
forms used in the bank's business prior to 12.03.2018 and have not
changed/withdrawn this consent in the meantime, nor following the information that the bank has
May 2018 about this possibility, nor on their own initiative.
There are currently individuals who have expressed their refusal to have their data processed
BT customers, BT occasional customers or any BT third parties who have
have expressed from the outset their refusal to have their data processed for this purpose, as well as individuals
who have initially given their consent to their data being processed for advertising purposes,
have subsequently withdrawn their consent.
b. The purposes for which we process the data of individuals who have expressed their choices to BT
on the processing of their data for advertising purposes (where applicable, consent or refusal)
If you have given your consent for your data to be processed for advertising purposes, we will process it
as follows:
- transmission of advertising messages, in accordance with the given consent (advertising purpose);
- verification of the identity of persons in order to confirm/confirm their status as
BT customer;
- proof of claims/agreements/options on issues related to options
advertising, by recording the issues discussed and, where appropriate, audio recording of the
telephone calls (initiated by the bank or by you);
- performance of internal analysis (including statistics);
- archiving - both in physical and electronic format - of documents, making copies of documents
- providing registry and secretarial services for correspondence addressed to
and/or dispatched by the bank, as well as for carrying out the bank's
courier activities;Â
- ensuring the security of the IT systems used by BT;
- prevention of fraud.
If you have refused the processing of your personal data for the purpose of
advertising we will process your data for all the above purposes except for the
for the transmission of advertising messages.
*BTwishes to inform
interested persons about the products/services/events offered/organised by the bank, the
entities of the BT Financial Group or their partners, in which sense it processes data
personal data of such persons, if they have given their consent to receive messages
advertising messages.
The form dedicated to the expression/collection of marketing options used in
currently used by BT, is available in any of the bank's branches and on the website www.bancatransilvania.ro, or
directly at the following link: https://www.bancatransilvania.ro/gdpr/
The online form is
available to BT customers only and can be used by them not only to express
initial expression of marketing options, but also to change previously expressed options.
and, where appropriate, for withdrawing consent to receive marketing communications.
advertising messages.
c. Categories of personal data processed on individuals who have expressed their consent to
BT consent to the processing of their data for advertising purposes, their recipients, and
the period of their processing
The data processed by BT for sending marketing messages are usually:
- identity data: name, surname;
- contact details: telephone number and/or e-mail or mailing address
provided by persons interested in receiving advertising messages or, where appropriate, those
declared in the bank's records for the purpose of knowing the customer (relationship
contractual relationship) in the case of BT Customers;
- in the case of BT Customers: other information we learn about customers in the context of
they use BT's services/products (e.g. transaction data, age,
location, income range, etc.), which we will automatically study (profiling) to create
an opinion about the products/services/events that would suit them (advertising
personalised advertising).
Personal data will be processed by the bank for sending advertising messages
until the termination of the contractual relationship with BT Customers or, as the case may be, until the time of
withdrawal of their consent to receive such messages (the latter including in the case of
any other categories of persons who are not BT Customers).
In some cases, for the delivery of advertising messages, BT will contract with suppliers of
service providers, who will process the personal data of data subjects on behalf of and
for BT, only for the purpose of delivering the advertising messages set out in strict compliance with
BT's instructions and under the Bank's close supervision.
Interested parties can choose to receive advertising messages in several categories, including
including: products and services of BT and BT subsidiaries, events organised by BT,
products/services of partners, which are related to BT's or BT subsidiaries' products/services.
BT subsidiaries and events organised by BT partners.
BT Subsidiaries whose products/services and events are to be promoted in the
advertising messages to opt-in persons are as follows
entities within the Financial Group
BT: BT Microfinance
IFN SA ("BT Mic"), BT Asset
Management S.A.I. S.A., ("BTAM"), BT
Leasing Transilvania IFN S.A. ("BTL"), BT Direct IFN S.A. ("BTD"), BT Capital Partners S.S.I.F. S.A. ("BTCP"), other entities that may be
join the BT Group in the future.
List of BT's current partners and/or BT subsidiaries whose products/services and
events are to be promoted in advertising messages to persons who
who have opted in can be accessed at the link: https://www.bancatransilvania.ro/parteneri.
If you have opted to receive advertising messages about products/services
events offered/organised by BT subsidiaries or partners, these entities will
process your personal data for the purpose of sending these messages, under the
supervision and coordination of the Bank and, where appropriate, together with the Bank. For any possible
processing of personal data carried out by BT partners/BT subsidiaries in
outside or adjacent to the transmission of advertising messages, such as, for example, for the purpose of
the conclusion of contracts relating to their products/services that have been promoted,
these partners are to act as controllers of personal data
The agreement to be contacted for advertising purposes can be withdrawn or modified at any time by several
ways, indicated separately on the form dedicated to the expression of consent to data processing
for advertising purposes.
Withdrawal of consent only operates for
future and does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing carried out before the time of consent.
Please note that subscribing or unsubscribing any e-mail address entered by
in forms/fields such as/named "newsletter" available on
BT websites to receive information in various areas of interest, is managed by
via the respective online forms (subscription) and unsubscribe links respectively
in the content of the messages received following subscription (unsubscription).
We also inform you that
subscribing/unsubscribing to/from "newsletters" that you opt-in to on BT websites, do not
influence the choices regarding the processing of your data for advertising purposes completed
on the Bank's forms available in the branches or on the BT website.