Invest directly from the app 4.8

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Call Center
  • High waiting time!

    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.
    Fraud assistance
    If you suspect fraud on your account, quickly call 0264 308 055.

    Search with AI Search

    AI Search on Ask BT answers all your banking questions.

    BT Visual Help

    Quickly view your account details, call 0264 308 000 and receive an SMS with the access link.

    Credit in brief

    • mLoan amount: 119,000 euro (equivalent in lei)
    • mMinimum advance of 5% of the purchase price
    • mNo need for life/death insurance
    • mContract period: maximum 30 years
    • mZero analysis and early repayment fee

    How much can you borrow?

    To apply for a credit or simply to find out how much you can get, fill in the form below. We will call you back within the timeframe of your choice.

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    Which house can you buy through New Home?

    • If your home has been ready for more than 5 years from the date of application, you can receive a maximum loan of 66,500 euros (equivalent in lei). The minimum down payment is 5% of the purchase price of the home.*
    • If the house is new (has been completed less than 5 years before the date of application) and the purchase price does not exceed 70,000 euros, you can receive a maximum credit of 66,500 euros (equivalent in lei). The minimum down payment is 5% of the purchase price of the home.*
    • If the house is new and the purchase price is more than 70,001 euros, then you can receive a maximum loan of 119,000 euros (equivalent in lei). The minimum down payment is 15% of the purchase price of the home.*

    * The advance covers the difference between the purchase price resulting from the sale-purchase pre-contract and the financing guaranteed by the bank.

    As of August 2022 we have a NEW protocol concluded with ANAF, based on the Order of the President of ANAF no. 146/2022 published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 157 of 16 February 2022. The protocol includes the possibility to obtain information on the income of individuals applying for a BT credit. The information is obtained with the consent of the applicant, with the protection and assurance of professional secrecy, with respect for the rights concerning the processing of personal data. The protocol aims to improve the credit application process by simplifying documentation and facilitating access to finance.