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Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT Pay

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

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Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download NeoBT

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Download BT24

Scan the code with your mobile phone, depending on your phone system.

Call Center
  • High waiting time!

    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.

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    Deepfake is the technology that allows malicious people to take information falsification to the next level by generating videos of people doing and saying certain things, even if they did NOT do or say them.

    To be as convincing as possible, attackers use deepfake technology to promote online fraud attempts, especially through sponsored posts on social media. You can find out how to protect ourselves and those close to us from cyber attackers on the BT Blog.

    Facebook Scam

    Improve your life by investing (a certain amount) in BT or The best program to generate income with a minimum deposit - this is the sound of a series of fake ads on Facebook, including images of the bank and representatives of the BT Group, as well as our brand (Banca Transilvania, BT Asset Management), infringing the brand. 

    It also urges you to open certain links for various reasons: to answer a questionnaire, to access a "platform". These are not BT-generated ads and we always report them on time.

    Our recommendations:

    • Read the text of the BT ads on Facebook carefully;
    • Look including the link they contain, it's usually hard to decipher. But do NOT access it;
    • Reporting those ads to Facebook would help us a lot to limit their spread together;
    • If you have any suspicions, write to us here: 0264 30 80 28,

    Crypto Scam

    Someone offers you an unbeatable investment in cryptocurrencies. After a while you are contacted to withdraw your profit and you can only do this by installing a certain app? It could be a fraud.

    Using an app that facilitates remote device access, hackers can see your personal information and bank details in real time when you log into a platform. We talk at length about how crypto scams work on the BT Blog.  


    It is a type of SMS fraud that infects your phone by asking you to download an app. The app is actually a piece of software intentionally created to cause technical malfunctions (malware).

    This malware takes control of your phone, giving malicious people access to your personal information or bank accounts. It also sends infected messages to your personal contacts, without your knowledge, with the aim of installing the app for them. More information can be found on the BT Blog.

    A call (apparently) from BT

    Malicious people are becoming more and more inventive, unfortunately. So, if someone calls you from a phone number similar (or even identical) to that of the BT Call Center (0264 30 80 28), you can tell for yourself if it is us, the people at BT, or not. Simply put, we will never ask for your card details over the phone.


    • Do not follow the actions (for example, do not tell the card details);
    • Interrupt the talk;
    • Write us an email here:


    Those e-mails that appear to be on our part (or other companies), with certain attention-grabbing expressions, and with "an approximate Romanian", are not from us.

    Usually, they have a topic that catches your attention: Important message, Suspend account and they can make you think of any arrears, or of any possible garnishment. These messages usually contain a prompt for immediate action, such as urgently accessing a link because otherwise they claim that something (negative) is happening, such as closing the bank account. Once you access the link, you are asked to fill in data such as: name, address, card data, CVV2 / CVC code, CNP, phone, even the authorization code received by SMS / email / notification in the application. Once provided, the fraudster has access to your money.


    Phishing can also come via SMS (Smishing). It may seem like it's a message from BT, but it's not. It usually contains a link that, once accessed, asks you for personal or card data.


    Vishing has to do with the phone. It is when someone who claims to be what is not calls you with a problem that they say can be solved when you communicate your bank account details, for example. Also for your protection, if someone from abroad calls you and you do not know the number, it is better not to answer.

    Frauds through well-known shopping sites (,, etc.)

    Buyer or seller, fraudsters are also on well-known shopping sites and here's how they do it:

    • The fraudulent buyer contacts the seller under the pretext of purchasing a product and at some point proposes to move the conversation from that site to somewhere else, such as WhatsApp. The fraudster (buyer) tells the seller that he has paid for the product and sends him a fake link to receive the money. When accessing it, the victim is asked for the security data of the bank card, including passwords.
    • The fraudulent seller posts ads with fictitious products, which attract attention with affordable prices and give you the feeling that it is your lucky day. For the payment of the product, however, the buyer (the victim) is directed to a link, which leads to a phishing page (which very much resembles "official" shopping sites). The buyer is asked for the security data of the card, including passwords.

    Card cloning (skimming)

    Physical cards can be cloned. In other words, the data stored on the magnetic stripe of the card is copied by special electronic provision. Once the information is stolen, the villains can use it to withdraw money from the ATM or for online shopping.

    I'm X from BT...

    Yes, we, #peopleofBT, often communicate with customers over the phone. Sometimes we call you when needed, just as we are non-stop on the phone 0264 30 80 28. But if someone calls you who says it's BT's X and signals a problem with your bank, insisting that it can be solved immediately if you take action by communicating confidential information such as user codes, passwords, authorization codes, you need to suspect it. 

    As "creativity" is great in this area, villains can ask you, for example, to install any desk on your computer / laptop and also help you remotely to do it. Take great care, it's not us.

    The big winner

    An award is welcome, but it's not true. The big news – that you have won, for example, a phone call – can also come by e-mail from an unknown person, who asks for your personal details in return and the payment of a fee for the transfer of money.

    Accident Method

    A phone call from a stranger who gives bad news about someone in the family, but also has a solution for a fee, is a scam, most of the time. Certain fraudsters, claiming an official capacity, contact randomly chosen persons by phone and claim money to resolve a serious situation (hospitalisation, for example) – usually a fancied traffic accident – involving a person close to the person they are calling.

    Pass on to 25 friends...

    Do you know those messages, received by e-mail or on social media, announcing a contest where you can win something-what-you-didn't-dream of? There are those links that contain a link and must be sent to friends, to as many friends as possible... Unfortunately, they are from the same "dangerous" category.

    Overnight Heir

    An email from a stranger letting you know that a friend or family member is making you rich overnight through an inheritance is another method of deception. Because it will certainly ask for your personal data or the payment of a fee for the transfer of money fallen from heaven.

    Money carrier

    Does a person ask you to transfer some money and offer you attractive commission? It can be a scam. The money carrier is a person who receives and transfers, on behalf of and for other persons, money received illegally, in exchange for a commission. Check well all the ads with attractive messages, received by email, seen on certain employment sites or on social media, such as: Do you want to make easy money?, Do you want to make money from home?

    Sometimes these ads even use trademarks to create the defense of legitimacy. How does the script work? The new employee (the carrier) will be urged to communicate the bank account or open an account with the bank. So far, nothing out of the ordinary. However, the carrier will receive in his account an amount of money transferred from another bank and receives inscructions about how to transfer that money, minus the negotiated commission, which is about 10% of the amount received.

    Ask BT is Banca Transilvania's largest online financial education program, with over 2,000 banking questions and answers.
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    AI Search is a pilot project - in beta - that uses GPT4 technology to simplify the process of finding and understanding banking products.

    AI Search is trained to answer questions that are exclusively related to the banking products offered by BT, but in certain situations and depending on the questions asked, it may also answer general questions. The answers provided are automatically generated and are to be used for information purposes only. The service may sometimes provide inaccurate or potentially offensive content, which does not represent the views of Banca Transilvania. You are solely responsible for your use of the content generated by this service in any way. Do not rely on this service for financial, legal or other professional advice and do not enter personal data or other confidential information into this service.

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