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Call Center
  • High waiting time!

    We are currently experiencing a very high number of calls in our Call Center. If you have an urgent problem, call now, otherwise we'll wait for you later. For quick answers try Ask BT or BT Visual Help.

  • 0264 308 308 028 or *8028 The number is available from any national network.
    0264 303 003 Hotline for all Romanians who are out of the country, including assistance in English.
    Fraud assistance
    If you suspect fraud on your account, quickly call 0264 308 055.

    Search with AI Search

    AI Search on Ask BT answers all your banking questions.

    BT Visual Help

    Quickly view your account details, call 0264 308 000 and receive an SMS with the access link.


    You got an envelope
    that wasn't addressed to you?

    To make a complaint about an envelope of mail received from BT that was not for you, you need to follow these steps:

    • enter the full postal address where you received the envelope that was not for you
    • give us a few more details so we can identify and remedy the situation
    Attention! If the envelope you received from BT is for you, but you want to contact the bank about other issues, please use the contact form on the website, do not fill in the form below.

    Why do you think the message from BT was not for you? Choose your situation.

    If you would like to receive a response from us after the problem has been solved, please choose the option by which you would like us to contact you:

    By sending this complaint, you exercise your right to object to BT's processing of the postal address at which you received the envelope and become a BT petitioner. You can find out more about how we process your personal data in this capacity by going to section C point 10 of the BT Privacy Policy.

    We will do our best to contact the customer who has declared this postal address and make arrangements to update it. According to the legal know-your-customer obligations, each customer must have a postal address declared to the bank.

    Please destroy mail not addressed to you, or return it to the nearest BT branch.

    See BT Agencies