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Moody's confirms Banca Transilvania's rating

November 15, 2024 Reading time 1:00 minute

Moody's Ratings ratings, assigned for the first time in 2023, and upgrades the outlook from stable to positive for its long-term deposit rating (Baa2) and issuer rating (Baa3).

The reaffirmation of the baseline credit assessment (Ba1) reflects BT's solid capitalization and robust profitability, underpinned by its leading position in the Romanian banking sector and operational efficiency. The rating also reflects the impact of the acquisition of the OTP Group companies in Romania by Banca Transilvania.

The positive outlook on the bank's long-term deposit and issuer ratings shows the strengthening of depositors’ protection backed by the significant volumes of the recently issued senior non-preferential bonds.

This is the second year that Banca Transilvania has been rated by Moody's, the rating agency's accreditation supporting BT's efforts to maintain the most efficient cost of capital.

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